Sometimes the hardest part about being away from family is realizing they carried on with out you.
Sometimes the hardest part about being away from family is realizing they carried on with out you.
Success doesn't always feel like success.
Success doesn't always feel like success.
Memories can sometimes be more real than reality.
Memories can sometimes be more real than reality.
Loud sudden noises are not always they seem.
Loud sudden noises are not always they seem.
Grief, anger, bereavement are often hidden just beneath the surface.
Grief, anger, bereavement are often hidden just beneath the surface.
You must always be aware of your surroundings. Any rooftop, window, or doorway could be your last.
You must always be aware of your surroundings. Any rooftop, window, or doorway could be your last.
A bump in the night could be anything. Keep your family safe.
A bump in the night could be anything. Keep your family safe.
The ghosts of your brothers and sisters are always with you.
The ghosts of your brothers and sisters are always with you.

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